Home / Social Starter Intake Form

Social Starter Intake Form


This form is meant to be filled out by members of the Martindale Avvo Sales Team ONLY.

Violators will be reported to management.

  • Please enter your Martindale.com or Avvo email address
  • The AOPs chosen here determine what kind of articles the client will receive, and how often they will receive articles. Please note the frequency for each category. Some AOPs post just once a month. To keep things manageable, we don’t recommend clients get more than 7 articles per week.
  • If we need to build any profiles, we will base it off the website listed here.
  • Please give contact details for the person at the firm who will be receiving the weekly emails.
  • Each firm must designate at least one person to receive email notifications from Social Starter. List their address below. You can add multiple addresses if more than one person at the firm would like to receive the notifications.
  • If we build any profiles for the firm, we will list this phone number in the contact fields.
  • Existing Social Media Profile Information

    Existing Social Media Profile Information Please determine whether the client has existing profiles for their firm. It’s best for the client that we use their existing profiles, rather than create duplicates. Start by doing a Google search for the firm’s name + a social network. For instance you could search “Jane Doe Attorney Facebook.” And be sure to ask the client, prior to setup, if their firm has an existing presence on Social Media. Afterwards, please refer the client to this page, with instructions on giving us access to their profiles: https://www.martindalesocialstarter.com/access-instructions/
  • Example: https://www.facebook.com/martindalenolo/
  • Example: https://www.linkedin.com/company/martindale-llc
  • You may link to either search results or Google Maps
  • If a client lacks a profile on any platform we support, we will attempt to build them one. If the client does not want us to build them a profile, please record it here.
  • Leave any pertinent information that may apply to this request here


    Contact Form

    We will respond to your inquiry in a timely fashion. Thank you.